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Check out our glossary of common copywriting terms and definitions.

What is a Copywriter?

Whether you're running an advertising campaign or a B2B marketing campaign, it is essential to have the right content, and the right person to own it.

Marketing Copy

Whether you need an ad campaign to attract the right customers or catchy content for your company website, marketing copy plays a crucial role in powerful marketing

Website Copywriting

A website copywriter writes content for websites, landing pages, products, blogs, and other pages. Its goal is to reach customers and potential leads, urging them to join the customer group.

Go-to-Market Strategy

A go-to-market strategy acts as an action plan for an organization. It aims to specify how the company can maximize its reach among its target audience.

SEO Copywriting

Whether you own a business, want to promote a product, service or brand, marketers and owners always face the challenges associated with optimizing content for search engines. Enter: SEO Copywriters.

Ad Copy

Ad copy is a unique type of content that tries to make the visitor react and go through with a call to action

UX Copywriting

UX copywriting aims to use words to create a better and more enjoyable brand experience for visitors to a website or an app.

Content Marketing KPIs

Content marketing KPIs are measurable values that can help you make a decision on whether or not your content strategy is on course for your goals and objectives.

Content Marketing Funnel

A content marketing funnel is the best way to guide visitors towards a particular action. It takes them from acknowledging your brand, product, or service to actually making a purchase.

Advertising Copywriters

An advertising copywriter works on developing content, especially as a part of marketing strategy, done with the aim to promote the goods and services of an organization such as prints, web ads, billboards, and more.

Social Media Copywriting

Social media copywriting is the creation of messages and posts used by organizations on social media platforms

Body Copy

The body copy is the text that forms the main content of any printed or digital work. It usually follows headlines and speaks to the target audience using key phrases to highlight the various benefits that your product or services can offer.

Marketing Copywriters

A marketing copywriter is someone who puts together the principles of marketing with their everyday copywriting. They create content and use it as a tool to allow the generation of traffic to a website.

Direct Response Copywriting

Direct response copywriting is about communication in the written form that speaks to customers, prompting them to take immediate action. This copy focuses on the customer, with the sole intention to sell a product or service


Marketing and sales are hard work. It requires the creation of persuasive content that can generate conversions and sales. Thus, it demands a fair amount of strategizing and experience in content creation.

Page Headers

First impressions matter. Knowing how to leverage the first second can help boost sales, convert more leads, and drive up your revenue significantly.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process by which marketers create relevant, valuable information with the aim to attract, acquire, and retain customers.

Sales Funnels

The sales funnel is the collection of steps that a potential customer has to take before they become your customer for good. This involves everything they do, from visiting your store to buying a product or service.


Commonly abbreviated as CTA, it is a great way to appeal to your target audience and persuade them into responding to your marketing message through action.

Email Marketing

Email marketing involves sending across promotional or advertising content to people. This is usually done on a large scale. The main goal of these emails is to create potential leads or sales.

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